Cool Girl Cinema Club is back again at the Whammy Theater with a special spooky Halloween movie screening party! We will be screening the best Megan Fox movie of all time, Jennifer's Body (2009)! Join us for an evening of movie viewing, tarot card readings, drinks+snacks, and socializing! Come in a costume if you want to be extra cool. Open to anyone and everyone! Free snack and drink included in ticket purchase, alcohol will be available for purchase. Come early at 7:30 to fully enjoy the tarot card readings/drinks/party! Additionally this month,100% of proceeds from speciality cookie sales and tarot readings will be donated to the Peace Over Violence organization
Doors open up at 7:30!
Movie starts at 8:00!
At Whammy! Analog 2514 Sunset (entrance in rear off of Rampart, hard to see but its in the back corner!)